Murshid James MacKie
Spirituality has often been viewed as demanding asceticism and withdrawal from worldly activity and responsibility. Today, however, artificial barriers between "spiritual" life and "mundane" life are no longer appropriate. As Meher Baba has expressed it, the task for spiritual students is not to withdraw from the world but to reclaim the world for divine purposes.
Dr. James MacKie of Sufism Reoriented explains what it means to say that today the spiritual path is to be experienced as a "boulevard of work in the world."
Disc 1: The nature of work and the characteristics of play; achievements; careers; art.
Disc 2: Art (continued); measures of success; characteristics of spiritual work; transforming mundane activity into spiritual work.
Disc 3: How attitudes towards work and the purposes of work differ in the winding and unwinding phases of human learning; love as the force and product of the reorientation (unwinding) process; the return to God.
November 16, 1980 | Chronological list of seminar albums | Complete set available