Murshid James MacKie
Dr. James MacKie of Sufism Reoriented answers questions on a wide range of subjects pertaining to sexuality, spiritual growth, and the path of union with God.
Disc 1: Sexual energy as the force that holds creation together; importance of handling pain and internalizing learning; sexuality is not to be devalued.
Disc 2: Processing egos; celibacy; birth control and the channels of spiritual force in the physical body; learning is individual; why some spiritual students have gurus and others apparently do not; humility and the experience of profound helplessness; role of the guru in heightening students’ awareness of God; two anecdotes.
Disc 3: Importance of timing in approaching a guru; loneliness; disappointment and success in marriage; feelings of isolation; difference between the Avatar’s work and the role of other gurus.
March 8, 1980 | Chronological list of seminar albums | Complete set available
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