Murshid James MacKie
Reincarnation, seldom discussed in western spiritual literature, involves the births and rebirths of worlds and universes. In this seminar, Murshid James MacKie of Sufism Reoriented outlines the “big picture” that provides the context for understanding the evolution and development of consciousness.
Disc 1: The difficulty of talking about reincarnation, astrology and the circulation of life energies, the reincarnation of worlds and universes, uses of an astrological chart.
Disc 2: Human beings as living, visual, breathing universes, egos as mountain ranges, the “earthquake” period of human existence, reincarnation and the unwinding process.
Disc 3: Reincarnation and the unwinding process (continued), releasing sanskaras of past personalities.
Disc 4: The three pearls in the human body, individuals as nations.
March 15, 1982 | Chronological list of seminar albums | Complete set available