Murshid James MacKie
Knowingly or unknowingly, every individual in creation is engaged in a play of divine love. The purpose of that play of love is for each one gradually to recognize, honor, follow, and unite with God, the Divine Beloved, both in His impersonal form as God Infinite and in His personal form as the God-Man, or Avatar.
Gurus, or spiritual Teachers, work only to advance these goals of the divine journey. The nature of that work is the primary focus of these seminars by Murshid James S.B. MacKie (1932-2001) of Sufism Reoriented, a spiritual school under the guidance of Avatar Meher Baba.
Part one of this two-part series includes musical renditions, with narration and chorus, of two of Meher Baba’s major messages, “The Highest of the High” and the “Universal Message.” Murshid MacKie discusses these messages in light of the special challenges of spiritual development today.
March 8, 1981 | Chronological list of seminar albums | Complete set available
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