Murshid James MacKie
Of the many forces that well up in human consciousness, few are as powerful or as confusing as that which manifests as sexual energy.
In our modern world the raw force of sexual energy is seen, felt, and expressed everywhere. The apparent amplification of this force of new generation and fertility often produces deep personal conflict, uncertainty, and interpersonal dilemmas. How is one to meet successfully the challenges presented by this amplification?
In this first of two seminars, Murshid James MacKie of Sufism Reoriented deals with sexual energy as a reservoir of power, which can stimulate growth at many different levels of human learning. Sexuality is considered in light of the connection between the physical and subtle bodies of man, the place of karma in interpersonal relationships, and the role which sexual energy plays in spiritual unfoldment and evolution.
Disc 1: Place of sexuality in the lives of spiritual students; sexual energy as divine energy; analogy of the pie; importance of strong, forceful egos; sexual energy dissolves boundaries; purpose of male and female incarnations.
Disc 2: Sexuality and spiritual Teachers, difference between lust and sexuality, the obsessive nature of mind, and guilt and fear.
Disc 3: Variations in flow of sexual energy, processing sexual sanskaras, how a guru modifies karma, sexual dreams, adolescence, promiscuous sexuality, sexual karma.
March 1, 1980 | Chronological list of seminar albums | Complete set available
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