Murshid James MacKie
Part II: Unwinding
Murshid James S.B. MacKie of Sufism Reoriented introduces this second seminar on the principles of human growth by identifying the characteristics of spiritual students. He calls attention to the way in which the concerns and preoccupations of spiritual students are intimately related to the process of unwinding past impressions (sanskaras).
Among the topics discussed in this program are nutrition, child-raising, interpersonal relationships, patterns of sleep, and dealing with negative feelings. In each case, one learns that such apparently mundane concerns are actually rungs on the ladder of consciousness by which the soul seeks higher knowing and, in gradual degrees, lifts all of life to union with God.
Disc 1: Characteristics of unwinders.
Disc 2: Speeding up the unwinding process; unwinding vs. rewinding; the nature of neurosis; on worry; psychological changes during unwinding; existentialism; possessiveness in relationships.
Disc 3: The role of nutrition in spiritual development; eating habits of children; patterns of sleep during unwinding; rituals; the value of living an “ordinary” life; karmic relationships during the winding and unwinding phases of life.
Disc 4: The relation between sub-human and human forms; negativity in the life of the spiritual student.
November 24, 1979 | Chronological list of seminar albums | Complete set available
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