Murshid James MacKie
In Part II, Murshid James MacKie of Sufism Reoriented continues his discussion of reincarnation, focusing on the currents of energy that produce the phenomena of individual birth, growth, and death (transformation).
Disc 1: Suicide and the continuation of consciousness after physical death; the three parts of life: birth, growth, and transformation; the astral plane as the flip-side of life.
Disc 2: The possibilities of human learning in relation to the atmosphere of the earth; understanding pain, fear, and resistance to change and transformation.
Disc 3: Aiding the process of transformation; Meher Baba’s work with masts; detachment; the unwinding of past personalities as a form of rebirth; conditions of being “veiled"; processing sanskaras with the physical body.
March 22, 1982 | Chronological list of seminar albums | Complete set available