My Childhood with Meher Baba
by Charles Haynes
Charles Haynes first met Meher Baba in 1958. He was just eight years old. From that first meeting where Charles experienced Baba (“I know Baba; Baba knows me.” ), Charles was His. He had the opportunity to spend time with Baba again at the 1962 East-West Gathering in India.
This beautiful gem of a book tells the stories of Charles' time with Baba and his inner experience of Baba. As he puts it so well, “Like a time capsule from the past, each story of Meher Baba opens in the present to release the fragrance of His love.” (from the Preface)
This book is not only a history of one soul's great fortune of meeting the Avatar of the Age, it is also full of insights that anyone can mine for their own inner lives with Baba. (From the publisher, Sheriar Foundation).
Paperback | 160 pages | many photographs | 2021
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