Murshid James MacKie
Part I: Winding and Unwinding
Mystical systems speak of two major phases of human learning. The first phase is a time for learning about the world, experiencing separation, and striving to enhance the personal ego. The second phase is a time for turning inward, for seeking union with divine principles, and for surrender to higher knowing.
Meher Baba outlined the differences between these two phases of human learning in terms of two different processes in consciousness, the “winding” and “unwinding” of impressions (sanskaras).
In these seminars on the principles of human growth, Dr. James MacKie, Murshid (Teacher) of Sufism Reoriented, carefully distinguishes the phase of winding sanskaras from the phase of unwinding.
Disc 1: The limits of the psychological understanding of human growth; personal karma; revising notions about “good” and “bad” karma; characteristics of winding and unwinding; the importance of demonstrating knowledge.
Disc 2: The role of the ego in human learning; the lessons of childhood and the challenges of parenthood.
Disc 3: Human growth in family relationships.
November 17, 1979 | Chronological list of seminar albums | Complete set available