Murshid James MacKie
Murshid (Teacher) of Sufism Reoriented from 1981–2001, Dr. James MacKie (1932–2001) is able to convey the deepest truths of spiritual knowing while using the language and idiom of contemporary Western culture. In this all-day program from 1980, Dr. MacKie answers a wide range of questions about the delights and difficulties of being a spiritual student.
Disc 1: The nature and use of power in worldly and spiritual life; occult power vs. spiritual power; Karma; the astral worlds; magic and ritual; what is meant by “evil”.
Disc 2: The role of churches and organized religions; speeding up karma and acceleration of the process of unwinding; service to the Avatar and the spiritual Master; the winding, unwinding, and rewinding of karma; adolescence.
Disc 3: Failure and success from a spiritual point of view; laws of learning; sexuality and love; spiritual implications of gender roles.
Disc 4: The importance of honesty; loneliness and isolation during spiritual development; the process of releasing sanskaras.
November 30, 1980 | Chronological list of seminar albums | Complete set available
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