Stories of Avatar Meher Baba from those who knew him.
by Ruzbeh N. Bharucha
The author, a well-known spiritual writer, interviewed many, many followers of Meher Baba who knew him while he was incarnate. The fascinating stories illustrate, quite astonishingly, how fully and intimately Baba was involved in their lives. He was the head of their families. He was Father/Mother to them and their children. He directed their lives. He tended to them and supported them. Fifty years later, at the time of the interviews, Baba is still fully alive in them, they feel his presence, and devote their lives totally to him.
One is struck by two themes that run through the stories: that all were drawn to him by his beauty, were immediately overwhelmed by his beauty, and that life with Baba was a life of total, literal obedience in every aspect of life.
As one journeys through the stories one feels in intimate contact with Meher Baba. Baba becomes present. One sees the inestimable value of being in the Avatar’s presence and under his gaze.
2021 | Hardback | 224 pages
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